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Happy Swimming,
Debbie D

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Prolonging the Life of Your Pool Filter Cartridge Part 3 of 3

7. Do not allow the pressure in the pool filter to rise above 8 – 10 pounds over normal operating pressure – when it does it is time to clean the cartridges. This usually  indicates the cartridge is getting clogged and needs to be cleaned.

8. It is a good idea to alternate between two sets of cartridges. Maintain a backup set of cartridges in the garage or shed so you can replace the older units with newer cartridges, this also allows time for you to soak and clean the cartridges more thoroughly with less down time of the pool. Another benifit is once you have cleaned the cartridge you can allow it to dry and lightly brush is with a soft bristle brush to remove any dry debris that did not come clean with the wash. Then they can be stored and used the next time you need to replace your pool filter cartridge.

9. Use an enzyme treatment to break down the oils that build up on the filter cartridge such as a spray cleaner or soak made for pool cartridges that will dissolve the oils, grease and fungi prior to cleaning the cartridge with the hose.  When using the hose don't forget to hook up the Water Wand for easier cleaning.  The water wand washes several pleats at one time.

10. Place a Skimmer Sock or Filter Saver in the skimmer of your pool, this is a fine net material sock that fits within your skimmer basket to collects debris and tiny particles that can slip through the skimmer basket and the pump basket and build up on your cartridge. Simply empty the Filter Saver as needed, rinse and reuse until they wear out, and then replace them. They are drastically cheaper than replacing cartridges prematurely.
~Happy Swimming

1 comment:

  1. Its quite an impressive post.An idea of enzyme treatment is also nice.Filbur - FC-2715
